‘Thought of the day: be kind.’

I was reading the paper this morning and I came to the gossip section, it had a story about a new blog that has been set up. This new blog, which I won’t name, allows people to submit an image of a person  (generally a celebrity) and the blogger then selects a group of images and posts them online, anonymous blog trawlers can then select from the group of images who they would most like to ‘slap’, that’s right, someone who they would like to physically slap if given the chance. They can also write comments about these people and generally use it as an anonymous source of bullying. In a world where we are all so harsh on one another and ourselves, I found the creation of such a thing sad and cruel. In the blogging world we have the freedom to write what we want about anything and everyone, all from the comfort of our own homes without our identity being revealed. As bloggers we should value this, use this outlet as one of positivity. In a world where people self-harm and commit suicide as a result of bullying, I think it is irresponsible for someone to create an outlet for like-minded bullies to meet and converse.

When I established this blog I decided I would never blog about things I didn’t like, or people whose looks I didn’t appreciate. Why would I? What would this bring to the blogging world, but another negative aspect? I decided I would only blog about things I loved and in doing so find out what others loved. My mum said to me the other day that she admired the energy in my blog, this is what I’m striving for, a fun, light, energetic blog. I know my blog is not changing the world, I know I’m not writing about vital world issues, but I’m writing about something I love, something that brings me joy, thus I write it hoping it will bring others joy. So I know this will not reach many and those who it does reach may not even read it. But today, instead of featuring the latest Celine bag or Chloe ballet flats in my ‘Look of the day’, I replace this with ‘Thought of the day’ which is simply be kind, blog (or Facebook, or tweet) about what is good in life. Use your blog as a source of fun and joy, rather than an online bullying outlet.  As the saying goes, “if you haven’t got anything nice to say (blog), don’t say (blog) anything at all.”

A Google image search of 'happiness' brought me Will Smith, so today use The Fresh Prince of Bel air as your role model.